
"Selene and Endymion" by Ubaldo Gandolfi

Origin: Greek
Gender: Male
Meaning: "To dive into, to enter"
Pronunciation: ehn-dih-MEE-uhn
Other forms: N/A

Endymion comes from the Greek "endyein" which means "to dive into" or "to enter". The story of Selene and Endymion is quite a popular Greek mythology story. The tale goes that the beautiful Endymion was loved greatly by the moon, Selene. He was a shepherd, or sometimes an astronomer or King of Olympia. Selene asked Endymion's father, Zeus, to give him eternal youth. Zeus obliged her by putting him into an eternal sleep. Every night Selene would visit him in Mount Latmos, where he slept, and eventually they had fifty daughters called the Menae.

Other tales say Zeus let him make the decision of what he wanted, and Endymion chose to remain deathless and ageless in a eternal slumber. Endymion is also a crater on the northeast side of the moon.


  1. I like it, although I doubt I'd use it. He'd make for a quirky middle, though.


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