
Origin: Gaelic
Gender: Female
Meaning: "Changeling, elf, fairy" or possibly "Queen of the Fairies"
Pronunciation: SHEE-fra or SHEE-uh-fra
Other forms: Síofra
The name Siofra comes from the Irish word síog which means "fairy". I hear it is the equivalent to "little imp" in Ireland and that is seen as a derogatory term in Ireland but I'm not sure? Anybody from Ireland? There is also supposedly a fairy queen named Siofra; The Tuatha Dé Danannin in legend, are the fifth settlers in Ireland and conquered the island Fir Bolg. Though most consider them deities, sometimes they are told to be mortal Kings, Queens, and heroes. 
There were many High Kings of the Tuatha Dé Danann, from the first King, Nuada, to the last three Kings that were brothers and ruled together, Mac Gréine, Mac Cuill, and Mac Cecht. The Irish scholar Gearóid Ó Broin was the one to call Siofra a fairy queen; she is a love fairy who often sought out the company of mortal men. Men who gazed upon her fell madly in love with her. May and Beltane are supposed to be the time when she has the most influence.


  1. Hi, I'm Siofra, and I'm from Ireland. I have only come across one reference to Siofra being a Leanan Sidhe (love fairy), and a Fairy Queen in the Tuatha De Danann. I don't know if this is true or not. Geróid Ó'Broin's reference is only online, I haven't found any printed reference. Do let me know, as I'd like to research this further. It's true that in the west of Ireland, they called children a 'Siofra' if they were naughty. I was called after a Siofra in Co. Clare.

  2. I love the name. I named my dog, Siofra. She is a little white Jack Russell Terrier I got from the Humane Society when she was 1 1/2. She had two other homes before us and was too naughty for them but perfect for us!

  3. I love the name. I named my dog, Siofra. She is a little white Jack Russell Terrier I got from the Humane Society when she was 1 1/2. She had two other homes before us and was too naughty for them but perfect for us!


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