
Origin: English
Gender: Female
Meaning: Possibly "evil-doer"
Pronunciation: muh-LEHF-ih-sent
Other forms: N/A

The name of the evil fairy (yes, she is a fairy!) in "Sleeping Beauty". I'm not sure on the meaning of the name; one source says it means "evil-doer", and it is close to the word "malevolent" as well. Maleficent is capable of shape-shifting as well as just plain ol' black magic, she can transform into a huge dragon or a floating light that resembles a will-o'-the-wisp.
I've gotten tons of hits on this post, which really surprises me. I'm pretty sure it even started before the 2014 movie with Angelina Jolie came out.
In it, she is portrayed as more of an anti-hero than villain, and it is her who breaks the curse, instead of the prince, after she grows to love her over the years. It does have a surprisingly soft, feminine sound, and maybe the movie will redeem it, but I think it would probably still be best suited for a cat, or maybe a rat?


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