Names for the Family Who Collect Books

Ink well from studiostewaretshoppe on Etsy
For the family that has every first edition of every book ever. For the family who has a two story library and whose parents are majors in English. For the family who have a quaint book shop on the corner called, "The Ink Spot". I am sure, as you have guessed, this family uses names from literature, or names taken from authors or poets.

Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe poster by TheGeekerie

Alabama (Save Me the Waltz)
Juliet (Romeo and Juliet)
Briony (Atonement)
Sylvia (Sylvia Plath)

Fig (Man of My Dreams)
Anna (Anna Karenina)
Lorca (Federic Garcia Lorca)
Pecola (The Bluest Eye)
Beatrice (The Divine Comedy)
Esme (For Esme - with Love and Squalor)
Cosette (Les Miserables)
Sidda (The Ya-Ya Sisterhood)
Lux (The Virgin Suicides)

Abra (East of Eden)
Lorna (Lorna Doone)
Thomasin (Return of the Native)
Clemency (The Battle of Life)
Daphne (Daphne Du Maurier)
Bella (Our Mutual Friend)
Towner (The Lace Reader)
Oriane (Remembrance of Things Past)
Arwen (Lord of the Rings)

Miniature books by bagusitaly on Etsy
Rosa (The Mystery of Edwin Drood)
Cecily (The Importance of Being Earnest)
Zuleika (Zuleika Dobson)
Malta (Bleak House)
Edith (Edith Wharton)
Vianne (Chocolat)
Poe (Edgar Allan Poe)

Nenna (Offshore)
Una (The Faerie Queene)
Angelou (Maya Angelou)
Lucy (A Room with a View)
Placida (Chronicle of a Death Foretold)
Titania (A Midsummer's Night Dream)
Flavia (The Flavia de Luce Books)
Marin (A Book of Common Prayer)
Isadora (Fear of Flying)
Ossie (Swamplandia!)
Estella (Great Expectations)
Amy (Little Dorrit)
Vida (The Thirteenth Tale)
Ernessa (The Moth Diaries)
Flora (Cold Comfort Farm)
Beatrix (Beatrix Potter)
Annabel (Annabel Lee)


Joss (Jamaica Inn)
Ozias (Armadale)
Reuven (The Chosen)
Hawthorne (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Sebastian (Brideshead Revisited)
Klaus (A Series of Unforunate Events)
Kafka (Kafka on the Shore)

Roderick (The Fall of the House of Usher)
Tristram (Tristram Shandy)
Ishmael (Moby Dick)
Keats (John Keats)
Corin (As You Like It)
Dorian (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Zooey (Franny and Zooey)
Utah (Under Milk Wood)
Bram (Bram Stoker)
Maurice (Maurice)
Wilde (Oscar Wilde)
Simon (The Spiderwick Chronicles)
Jupiter (The Gold Bug)
Abelard (The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao)
Misha (Absurdistan)
Cyril (A Passage to India)
Austen (Jane Austen)
Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Oliver (The Adventures of Oliver Twist)
Jolyon (The Forsyte Saga)
Eugene (Our Mutual Friend)
Forster (E.M. Forster)
Algernon (The Importance of Being Earnest)
Peter (Peter Pan)
Gilbert (The Tenant of Wildfell Hall)
Oscar (Oscar and Lucinda)
Caspain (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Edward (Big Fish)
Rudyard (Rudyard Kipling)
Ashley (Gone with the Wind)
Percy (The Scarlet Pimpernel)

*Ink well avaliable for purchase here
Poster avaliable here
Miniature books avaliable here


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