Nicknames for Dated Names

Karen Allen
Poppy-fly suggested a post on some hip nicknames for the dated names out there, like Karen, or Linda. Here is my list of suggestions, feel free to add your own!
Note: Most of these names are favorites of mine. I would find them refreshing to meet on a little girl!

Karen: Kaz/Kazza, Ren
Linda: Lindy, Lin
Susan: Sukie, Sannie, Daisy, Susu/Suzu
Barbara: Bunny, Bitsie
Dolores: Lola, Lo
Pamela: Mel, Honey, Mella
Theresa: Tess/Tessa, Reese
Marguerite/Margarita: Daisy, Rita, Margo
Judith: Jude, Dita
Dorothy: Dot/Dottie, Doro, Dora, Dorie
Cynthia: Cyn, Cynda/Cinda, Cinder
Virginia: Virgie, Ginny, Gin
Melissa: Bee, Mel
Maxine: Max, Maxie, Xina
Shannon: Nan, Nona, Shan
Valerie: Val, Vallie/Valley
Kimberly: Kimba, Kimber
Marlene: Marley, Lena/Lina
Veronica: Vero, Vera, Ronnie


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