
Björn Andrésen
Origin: Old Norse
Gender: Male
Meaning: "Bear"
Pronunciation: bee-YORN, bee-YURN
Other Forms: Bjoern, Bjarni, Bjørn

I've loved this name for quite some time, the sound, and the meaning both appeal to me greatly. I had almost totally forgotten about it until I heard it again on the TV show "Vikings", as the name of the name character, Ragnar's, son. Björn comes an Old Norse byname, and today is used in Sweden, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands. There is evidence of prehistoric bear worship, especially among fishing and hunting tribes. The bear is the national animal of Finland, and prehistoric Finns, and Siberians, believed that bears were the spirit of one's forefathers.

The Russian fairy tale, "Morozko", tells of the arrogant Ivan, who attempts to kill a mother bear and her cubs, and is punished by having his head turned into that of a bear, and is shunned by society. Björn Andrésen is a Swedish actor and musician, best known for playing Tadzio in the 1971 "Death in Venice". Björn Ulavaeus was a member of ABBA, and Björn Borg is a former World No. 1 tennis player. I think this name would be perfect for more adventurous parents, and I think its sound it fairly easy to grasp, once explained.


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