Names Worn by Brigitte Helm

Brigitte Helm

Brigitte Helm is rather iconic for her double role as Maria and the Maschinenmensch, in Fritz Lang's "Metropolis", in which she was only eighteen. Brigitte was the daughter of a Prussian Officer, and was somewhat forced into the audition for "Metropolis", after her mother sent pictures of her in to Lang's wife. She hated working under Lang, and refused to make a film with him again. Although she had a ten year contract with Universum Film AG, she angered the Nazi party after marrying Dr. Hugo von Kuenheim, who was Jewish. She eventually moved to Switzerland, and had four children with Hugo. She died in 1996 at the age of ninety.

Magda - "Am Rande der Welt" - A spunky short form of Magdalena, which takes some of the heft out of it, and makes it more accessible.

Vera - "Scandal in Baden-Baden" - Vera is perfect for the family looking for a multi-cultural name. It is used in Russia, Germany, Sweden, Macedonia, and Portugal, just to name a few. It means "faith", in Russian, and is sometimes thought to be related to the Latin verus, meaning "truth".

Alraune - "Alraune" - A name I couldn't find much information on. I know that it is German, and is a novel by Hanns Heinz Ewers, which was published in 1911.

Antinea - "Queen of Atlantis" - A few sources say this name is Portuguese, and is thought to be the name of the Queen of Atlantis, which obviously fits with the movie.

Lore - "Der Läufer von Marathon" - A name with two origins, and two meanings. In German, Lore is pronounced "LO-rah", and is a diminutive of Eleonore. In Basque it means "flower".

Marcella - "Spies at Work" - A beautiful name, and probably my favorite on this list. Marcella is the feminine form of Marcellus, which was originally a Roman family name. It can be pronounced "MAR-cell-ah", or "MAR-chell-ah".


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