The Children of Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld

Bernhard and Juliana with Beatrix and Irene

Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld was born Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter Graf von Biesterfeld, to Prince Bernhard of Lippe and Armgard of Sierstorpff-Cramm. He married Juliana of the Netherlands, born Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina.
Their children were:

Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard, "Beatrix of the Netherlands"

Irene Emma Elisabeth, "Princess Irene of the Netherlands"

Margriet Francisca, "Princess Margriet of the Netherlands"

Maria Christina, "Princess Marijke", later "Princess Christina of the Netherlands"

Prince Bernhard also had two illegitimate daughters:

Alicia von Bielefeld

Alexia Grinda


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