For me, I love the thought of a frilly name with a edgy boyish nickname to fall back on. It seems to balance out the overwhelming fluff of some of these, making them much more usable for real life. Evangeline - Evan Augusta - Gus Catherine/Katherine - Kit Harriet - Harry Josephine - Jo Alexandra/Alexandria/Alexandrine/Alexandrina - Alex, Alec Charlotte - Charlie Wilhelmina - Will, Billie Petra - Pete, Petey Maximilienne, Maxine - Max Jessamy, Jessamine - Jessie Thomasina, Thomasine - Tom, Tommy Roberta - Robbie, Bobbie Theodora, Theodosia - Teddy, Theo Aurora, Aurore - Rory Jacqueline - Jackie, Jack Johanna - Johnnie/Johnny, Jo Veronica - Ronny/Ronnie Francesca, Francisca, Francine - Frankie Bernadette - Bernie, Bern Phillipa/Philippa - Phil, Philly, Pip Artemis, Artemisia - Art, Artie Louise, Louisa, Luella/Louella - Lou, Louie Martina - Marty Edwina - Eddie Callista, Callisto, Calixta, Calypso - Cal Georgia, Georgina, Georgiana - Georgie Henrietta - ...