The Children of Leopold III of Belgium

Leopold III

Leopold III of Belgium was born Léopold Philippe Charles Albert Meinrad Hubertus Marie Miguel to Albert I of Belgium and Elisabeth of Bavaria. He married Astrid of Sweden, who was born Astrid Sofia Lovisa Thyra, and after Astrid's death he married Princess Lilian of Belgium, also known as the Princess of Réthy, who was born Mary Lilian Baels.

His children with Astrid were:

Joséphine Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Maria Josepha Marguerite Astrid, "Prince Josephine Charlotte of Belgium", or "Little Jo"

Baudouin Albert Charles Léopold Axel Marie Gustave, "Baudouin of Belgium"

Albert Félix Humbert Théodore Christian Eugène Marie, "Albert II of Belgium"

And with Lilian:

Alexander Emmanuel Henri Albert Marie Léopold, "Prince Alexander of Belgium"

Marie-Christine Daphné Astrid Elisabeth Léopoldine, "Princess Marie-Christine of Belgium"

Marie-Esméralda Adelaide Lilian Anna Léopoldine, "Princess Marie-Esméralda of Belgium", "Esméralda de Réthy", "Lady Moncada"


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