The Children of Duchess Eilika of Oldenburg

Archduke Georg of Austria and Duchess Eilika of Oldenburg
Duchess Eilika of Oldenburg was born Eilika Helene Jutta Clementine to Duke Johann of Oldenburg and Countess Ilka of Ortenburg. She married Archduke Georg of Austria or Georg von Habsburg-Lothringen, who was born Paul Georg Maria Joseph Dominikus.
Their children are:

Zsófia Mária Tatjána Mónika Erzsébet Katalin, "Archduchess Zsófia of Austria"

Ildikó Mária Walburga, "Archduchess Ildikó of Austria"

Károly-Konstantin Mihály István Mária, "Archduke Károly-Konstantin of Austria"


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