Famous Dads

Ingrid Bergman and her father, Justus
My father and I so similar that we often get into fights, we even look alike. He is the best father, and can always make me laugh. Here are fathers of famous men and women.

Frank Sinatra - Anthony Martin Sinatra
Hayley Atwell - Grant Atwell
Clive Owen - Jess Owen
Catherine Deneuve - Maurice Dorléac
Kevin Bacon - Edmund Norwood Bacon
Juliette Binoche - Jean-Marie Binoche
Laurence Olivier - Gerard Kerr Olivier
Sigourney Weaver - Sylvester "Pat" Weaver
Christopher Plummer - John Orme Plummer
Freema Agyeman - Osei Agyeman
Christoph Waltz - Johannes Waltz
William Howard Taft - Alphonso Taft
Ingrid Bergman - Justus Samuel Bergman
Heath Ledger - Kim Ledger
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Serge Gainsbourg
Penn Badgley -Duff Badgley
Jennifer Hudson - Samuel Simpson
Brad Pitt - William Alvin Pitt
Jeanne Moreau - Anatole-Désiré Moreau
Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt, Sr.
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Arinze Ejiofor
Isabelle Adjani - Mohammed Adjani
Al Pacino - Salvatore Pacino
Martin Van Buren - Abraham Van Buren
Charlize Theron - Charles Theron
Ernest Hemingway - Clarence Edmonds Hemingway
Gabourey Sidibe - Ibnou Sidibe
Louisa May Alcott - Amos Bronson Alcott
Helen Mirren - Vasiliy Petrovich Mironov


  1. Lovely and interesting post. I, too, have loved names and their meanings since I was a small child. I found your blog via Waltzing around Matilda. I've found a few new names I'm intrigued my - Freema and Maryweld.

    My name is Susan Elisabeth (yes with an S). When I was 4 I wanted to change my name to Aurora Hawaii. My parents were not amused by desire to change my name.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    1. Thank you! Maryweld is a name I've been interested by for many years, especially after learning the meaning, "Mary of the woods". Freema is also really beautiful. I can't find any info on it, aside from Freema Agyeman, whose real name is Frema. She is of Iranian and Ghanaian parentage.

  2. I've devoured name books over the years. Still enchanted to find new (to me) and interesting names.


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