Lively Names

"Allegory of Life" by Pierre Puvis de Chevannes
There are more names with meanings relating to "life" than just Vita; from the Albanian Luljeta to the Thai Suchart, here are lively names from all over the world.


Asha (Swahili name meaning "life")
Liv (Means "life" in Swedish)
Enid (Welsh name meaning "soul" or "life)
Zoe (Greek name meaning "life")
Luljeta (Albanian name meaning "flower of life")
Hiwot (Amharic name meaning "life")
Bizitza (Means "life" in Basque)


Bion (Greek name meaning "life")
Chayyim (Hebrew name meaning "life")
Vitale (Italian name meaning "of life, vital")
Suchart (Thai name meaning "born into a good life")
Zoticus (Greek name meaning "full of life")
Beathan (Scottish name meaning "life")


Vivo (Esperanto name meaning "life")
Chinwendu (Igbo name meaning "God owns life")


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