The Children of Johann I Joseph of Liechtenstein

Johann I Joseph of Liechtenstein
Johann I Joseph, Prince of Leichtenstein was born Johann Baptist Josef Adam Johann Nepomuk Aloys Franz de Paula to Franz Joseph I and Leopoldine von Sternberg. He married Landgravine Josepha of Fürstenberg-Weitra, who was born Maria Josepha Sophie.
Their children were:

Maria Leopoldine Josepha Sophia Aemiliana, "Princess Maria Leopoldine of Liechtenstein"

Karoline, "Princess Karoline of Liechtenstein"

Aloys Maria Josef Johann Baptista Joachim Philipp Nerius, "Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstein"

Maria Sophie Josepha, "Princess Maria of Liechtenstein", later "Princess Maria, Countess of Vincenz Esterházy von Galántha"

Maria Josepha, "Princess Maria Josepha of Liechtenstein"

Franz de Paula Joachim Joseph, "Prince Franz de Paula of Liechtenstein"

Karl Borromäus Johann Nepomuk Anton, "Prince Karl Johann of Liechtenstein"

Klothilda Leopoldina Josepha, "Prince Klothilda of Liechtenstein"

Henriette, "Princess Henriette of Liechtenstein", later "Princess Henriette, Countess Joseph Hunyady von Kethély"

Friedrich Adalbert, "Prince Friedrich Adalbert of Liechtenstein"

Eduard Franz Ludwig, "Prince Eduard Franz of Liechtenstein"

August Ludwig Ignaz, "Prince August of Liechtenstein"

Ida Leopoldine Sophia/e Maria/e Josepha/Josephine Franziska, "Princess Ida of Liechtenstein", later "Ida, Princess Paar"

Rudolf Maria Franz Placidus, "Princess Rudolf of Liechtenstein"


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