A List of Names Taken from French Royal Mistresses (2)

Agnès Sorel as "Madonna Surrounded by Seraphim and Cherubim" by Jean Fouquet
Continuing on...

Agnès Sorel - Charles VII - Sorel was the first officially recognized royal mistress in France. She was called "Dame de beauté", and had three daughters by Charles, Charlotte de Valois, Marie de Valois, and Jeanne de Valois. She died at the age of twenty-eight after giving birth to her fourth child. She was believed to have been poisoned using mercury, and theories state it was Charles' own son who did it.
Antoinette de Maignelais - Charles VII - Antoinette was Agnès' cousin and replaced her as mistress after her death. She had two daughters believed to have been sired by him. One was named Jane.

Phélisé Regnard - Louis XI

Marguerite de Sassenage - Louis XI

Françoise de Foix, Comtesse de Châteaubriant - Francis I

Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly, Duchess of Étampes - Francis I

Mary Boleyn - Francis I (Disputed)

Diane de Poitiers - Henry II

Janet Stewart - Henry II - Had a son by him named Henri d'Angoulême.

Filippa Duci - Henry II - Had a daughter by him named Diane de France.

Nicole de Savigny, Baroness of Fontette - Henry II

Marie Touchet - Charles IX - Had a son by him named Charles de Valois.

Louise de La Béraudière du Rouhet - Henry III

Renée de Rieux de Châteauneuf - Henry III

Veronica Franco - Henry III

Marie van Kleef, Countess of Beaufort - Henry III


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