The Children of Princess Marie-Cécile of Prussia

Princess Marie-Cécile of Prussia
Princess Marie-Cécile of Prussia was born Marie-Cécile Kira Viktoria Luise to Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia and Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of Russia. She married Duke Friedrich August of Oldenburg, who was born Friedrich August Wilhelm Christian Ernst.
Their children were:

Paul-Wladimir Nikolaus Louis-Ferdinand Peter Max Karl-Emich, "Prince Paul-Wladimir of Oldenburg"

Rixa Marie-Alix Kira Altburg, "Princess Rixa of Oldenburg"

Bibiane Marie Alexandra Gertrud, "Princess Bibiane of Oldenburg"


  1. I think Marie-Cécile is gorgeous. It's pretty and definitely classic, but I feel that names like Marie are classic for a reason. Anyways, I'm absolutely in love with Rixa and Bibiane! They're gorgeous. I've always liked Paul and Friedrich, too.

    1. Imagine my surprise when I found out there was a Princess with my name!


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