Tomboy: Boys' Nicknames for Girls

Toby Wing (born Martha Virginia)
I've noticed a lot of people really like boy or at least boyish nicknames for girls here lately, and as a society this says a lot about us. It all boils down to this: masculine = good, feminine = bad, even for women. Boys aren't allowed to be feminine, and it has contributed to an ideal of hyper masculinity, which not only damages us women, but boys too. And of course it's a good thing if little girls prefer playing in the mud to painting their nails or playing with dolls, when all of these things should not only be available, but accepted and endorsed for all people and children, regardless of gender.
I'm not exempt from this trend, though. 
My favorite name right now is Josephine, and I'm certain if I had one I'd call her Jo or Joey half the time. I think it's something worth thinking about, and talking about, though naming is just a ripple in the pool of gender politics.
But I'm going to throw politics to the side for a moment, and have a little fun and see what I can come up with.
What are your thoughts? 
What boys' nicknames do you like for girls, and how do you get to them?

Theodora, Theodosia, Edwina - Teddy
Philippa, Philomena, Philomela - Pip
Charlotte, Caroline, Carolina, Charlize - Charlie, Chuck
Winifred, Alfreda - Fred, Freddie
Alberta, Albertine, Roberta, Bertille - Bertie
Josephine, Josefina, Josette, Josiane - Jo, Joey
Wilhelmina, Willow - Billie, Wilkie
Augusta, Augustine - Gus
Eleanor, Valentine, Valentina, Valencia - Lenny
Victoria, Victoire - Vic
Ramona - Mo
Davina - Davey, Dave
Valerie, Valeria, Valentine, Valentina, Valencia - Val
Juliet/Juliette, Julia, Giulia - Jules
Henrietta, Harriet - Hank, Harry, Hal
Louise/Louisa, Eloise, Luella/Louella - Lou, Louie
Frances, Francesca, Francine - Frankie
Regina - Reggie
Jessica, Jessamy, Jessamine - Jessie
Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandrine/Alexandrina - Alex, Lex, Andy
Cordelia, Cornelia, Corinna, Corinne, Coraline, Coralie - Corey
Thomasina - Tommy
Sydney, Sidonie, Sidonia - Syd, Sid
Leonora, Leona, Leonie, Leocadia, Leontine - Leo


  1. My mother did not like nicknames she named me Cynthia and when I was in high school I was called Cindy, but my mother always called me Cynthia.


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