On My Mind: 3-12-16

Zoé with Ugolin and Ugoline
Ugoline & Ugolin - Zoé Talon, comtesse du Cayla, maîtresse-en-titre to King Louis XVIII, had two children by her husband, a boy and girl named Ugolin and Ugoline. Ugolin is apparently a form of Ugolino, which itself is a diminutive of Ugo, the Italian form of Hugo.

Helmi - For 2015, among the Finnish speaking population of Finland, Helmi ranked number six for girls. Helmi is not only a nickname for Vilhelmina or Vilhelmiina, it also means "pearl" in Finnish.

Emil - For the Swedish speaking minority of Finland, Emil was number one for boys. Emil comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which comes from the Latin aemulus which means "rival".

Hilkka Talvikki - Seen in a Finnish birth announcement, Hilkka means "bonnet" or "hood", while Talvikki means "wintergreen".


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