On My Mind: 1-30-17

French actress Suzanne Bianchetti
Suzanne - I'm really intrigued by this name here lately, after first coming across it in this post on Jolis Prénoms, and then realizing it was quite popular in France. Could it work over here?

Gustaf - I was really pleasantly surprised when I saw this name in this post The Best Gift of Life, where it was this woman, Emelie's, husband's name. Gustaf is an absolute guilty pleasure of mine, and I love seeing it in use. They also have a equally wonderfully named daughter, Nico Anaïs Rio Belle - she goes simply by her second middle name.

Colter - At my job I meet a ton of kids. The other day I met a little boy named Colter (not sure on the spelling). I wonder if it was a family name? Possibly inspired by explorer John Colter? I can only hope it wasn't after a certain Ms. Coulter...


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