Names from Ogden's St. Julien Cigarette Cards - Pt. 1

Starting in 1875 in the US by the Allen and Ginter tobacco company, cigarette cards, which were sold in packs of cigarettes to not only stiffen the cigarette package, but also as a bit of clever advertising. They would feature anything from boxers, actresses, nature, military heroes, and sportsmen.

They went extinct during WWII, being discontinued to save paper, and never really picked back up, however one company, Doral, started trying to do so in 2000.
I came upon the Ogden's St. Julien collection called "beauty series" featuring actresses some time in the 1900's, and thought it would rather interesting to list their names!

Tell me what you think of this post, and which names were your favorites, of course!

Blanche Thorpe
Cissie Loftus
Clara Butt
Dora Barton
Dorothea Baird
Esme Beringer
Ethel Barrymore
Ethel Irving
Ethel Matthews
Evelyn Millard
Frances Earle
Helen Macbeth
Hilda Gunn
Isabel Jay
Jane May
Jessie Mooney
Julia Arthur
Kate Cove
Lena Ashwell
Lettice Fairfax
Lilian Braithwaite
Lily Brayton
Lily Hanbury
Lily Langtry
Louie Pounds
Mabelle Gillman


  1. In Australia we had a poet called Dorothea! [McKellar] There aren't many names here I'd be happy about having myself, though... "Lettice"? "Esme"?? Good thing my characters can't complain... ;)

    1. Lettice can be a tricky one, but Esme is quite beautiful, especially with the "ez-may" pronunciation. Thank you for your comment!

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