The Children of Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este

Princess Margherita on the cover of "Epoca" magazine, 1953

Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este was born Princess Margherita Isabella Maria Vittoria Emanuela Elena Gennara of Savoy-Aosta to Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta and Princess Anne of Orléans. She married Robert, Archduke of Austria-Este.
Their children are:

Maria Beatrice Anna Felicitas Zita Charlotte Adelheid Christina Elisabeth Gennara, "Archduchess Maria Beatrice of Austria-Este"

Lorenz Otto Carl Amadeus Thadeus Maria Pius Andreas Marcus d'Aviano, "Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este", later "Prince Lorenz of Belgium"

Gerhard Thaddäus Anton Marcus d'Aviano Maria Umberto Otto Carl Amadeus, "Archduke Gerhard of Austria-Este"

Martin Carl Amadeo Maria, "Archduke Martin of Austria-Este"

Isabella Maria Laura Helena Antonia Zita Anna Gennara, "Archduchess Isabella of Austria-Este"


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