The Children of Violet Manners, Duchess of Rutland

"Violet Manners, Marchioness of Granby"

Violet Manners, Duchess of Rutland was born Marion Margaret Violet Lindsay to the Hon. Charles Hugh Lindsay and Emilia Anne Browne. She married Henry Manners, 8th Duke of Rutland.
Their children were:

Marjorie Harriet Paget, called "Victoria", later "Marjorie Paget, Marchioness of Anglesey"

Robert Charles John Manners, Lord Hadden (he died young)

John Henry Montagu Manners, later "John Manners, 9th Duke of Rutland"

Violet Catherine Manners

Diana Olivia Winifred Maud Manners, later "Lady Diana Cooper, Viscountess Norwich" (Diana's true father was English politician Henry Cust)


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