The Children of William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp

William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp

William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp was born to Frederick Lygon, 6th Earl Beauchamp, and his first wife Lady Mary Catherine. When politcial enemies threatened to reveal the truth that William was gay he resigned from his office to live a life in exile. His family was the basis for the Marchmains in Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited". He married Lady Lettice Grovesnor.
Their children were:

William Lygon, "William Lygon, 8th Earl Beauchamp"

Hugh Patrick Lygon, "The Hon. Hugh Lygon"

Lettice Lygon, "Lady Lettice Lygon"

Sibell Lygon, "Lady Sibell Lygon"

Mary Lygon, called "Maimie", later "Lady Mary Lygon, Princess Pavlovsky-Romanovsky"

Dorothy Lygon, called "Poll", "Pollen", or "Coote", "Lady Dorothy Lygon"

The Lygon Family


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