
King Arthur's Knights Seeing a Vision of the Holy Grail (King Caradoc is in blue) Origin: Welsh Gender: Male Meaning: "Love" Pronunciation: ka-RA-dock Other Forms: Caradog, Caratacos, Caratacus This strong Welsh name has a surprisingly soft meaning - it comes from the Celtic car , meaning "love" and shares this root with the girl's name Carys. In mythology (some believe he was real, or at least a amalgamation of few a historical figures) King Caradoc Freichfras, also known as Caradoc Strongman, lived during the 5th- or 6th-century and was a knight of the Round Table. He was said to be a King of Gwent, a medieval Welsh kingdom that laid between the rivers Wye and Usk, and existed from the end of Roman rule until the Normans invaded in the 11th-century. In the Welsh Triads, medieval scripts that have preserved much of Welsh myth and history, he is said to be Arthur's chief elder at Celliwig in Cornwall. Cellwig is one of the earliest named locations for A...