
Origin: Latin, Greek Gender: Female Meaning: "Well Born" Pronunciation: yoo-JEEN-ee-ah, yoo-JEEN-yah Other Forms: Eugeneia, Eugénie, Yevgeniya, Eukene, Uxía; Eugene, Eugenios, Owen, Eugen Our Holiday names come to a close with the name of a Saint whose Feast is on Christmas day. Eugenia of Rome, according to the popular rendition of her story, was the daughter of Philip, a Duke of Alexandria and Governor of Egypt. She left her father's home, dressed as a man, and was baptized by Helenus, a Bishop of Heliopolis, and later became an Abbot, still under her disguise. Eugenia would later cure a woman of her illness, and when the woman made sexual advances towards her, which she declined. That woman, incensed and embarrassed, made a public accusation, that would bring her before the court. She declared Eugenia an adulterer, and came before the judge, her father, still as a man. When it was revealed she was not only a woman but his very daughter, she was instantly exone...