On My Mind: 12-13-20

Rhiannon Ashlee, Delilah, and husband Doug

I've recently been getting more into Youtube, and one thing I really enjoy is vlogs, especially ones of families. As someone who has always loved children and babies, I find them fascinating. And, of course, I love finding out their names! Today's On My Mind will be all about children of Youtubers.

Rook - Ashley at "Embers and Ash" is all about motherhood, minimalism and intentional living. I love her style and so I wasn't surprised to learn she had chosen something really spectacular for her baby! She has a little boy named Rook which I think is a great choice for someone looking for a strong and masculine nature name. A Rook is a bird that is part of the Crow family that ranges all the way from Scandinavia and eastern Siberia to Western Europe. It is very intelligent, as all members of the Crow family are, and are known to be able to solve simple problems. It would also be a great choice for a Chess lover!

Delilah - Another favorite of mine is Rhiannon Ashlee. I adore her style, her simple and fun way of living, and her soft-voiced narration of her videos! She has a lovely little girl named Delilah, a name I'm starting to really warm up to. Delilah is Hebrew and means "Delicate", and of course is most famous for the Biblical character who betrayed Samson by cutting off his hair, his source of power. Despite that Delilah has been in use as a name for a very long time and was often used by Puritans.

Cove, called Coco - Though I haven't watched many of her videos I've been aware of Aspyn Ovard for quite some time. Not too long ago she gave birth to her first child, a little girl, who she called Cove and nicknamed Coco! Cove is a great example of a truly unisex nature name, and I love that it has such a cute and girly nickname option.


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