
Carrick Castle, photographed by Tom Wolf

Origin: Gaelic
Gender: Unisex
Meaning: "Rock"
Pronunciation: KAIR-rick
Other Forms: Carrack, Kerrick, Craig

Today we have a name that does double duty. It is not only a place name, but fits in amongst the Hudsons and Marlowes as a choice derived from a surname. I also think it could work in a growing sea of Gunners and Mavericks and all the other boys names that are uber-masculine and uber-popular, especially because of that sturdy meaning.

Carrick is originally a surname derived from the Gaelic word carraig, meaning "rock" or "rocky place". It shares its origin with Craig, and I think Carrick would be a nifty way of honoring one without having to use the actual name. Carrick is a place not only in Scotland, but in Australia and Ireland, California and Wales, even in Pittsburgh! Carrick Castle is an amazing 14th century tower house on the west shore of Loch Goil in Argyle and Bute, Scotland. It was used as a hunting lodge by James IV, and was even visited once by Mary, Queen of Scots. During the Argyll Rising, in which Archibald Campbell, 9th Early of Argyll attemped to overthrow James VII, the castle was badly damaged by the HMS Kingfisher, leaving the walls crumbling and the roof gone. Luckily, there has been concerted effort in recent years to restore it to its former glory.

What do you think of Carrick?


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